Our History
The West Virginia State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) comprises twenty-six members appointed by the Governor. The SRC was formed as a result of the 1992 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The SRC was originally named the West Virginia State Rehabilitation Advisory Council, but the term "advisory" was deleted by the 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act. The amendments to the Rehabilitation Act mandate that a majority of Council members shall be individuals with disabilities and not employed by the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS).
The SRC conducted its first meeting on August 30, 1993, at the WVDRS Rehabilitation Center in Institute, WV. During this meeting members were introduced to and given an overview of the operations and responsibilities of DRS and the Council.
The Council meets six times a year. The Council, however, may conduct special meetings when there is an issue requiring Council review before the next regularly scheduled meeting. The SRC has an Executive Director with a Charleston office at the administrative headquarters of the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services. A member-appointed Executive Committee, including a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and past Chairperson, governs over the activities of the Council. The Council Chairperson can appoint ad hoc committees to work on issues of particular concern to the Council. Council meetings are open to the public.
Council members spend a great deal of time and effort in fulfilling their duties of carefully monitoring and advising DRS on issues and policies which will have an impact on the lives of West Virginians with disabilities.